CUrrent and Upcoming Exhibitions - Click here for details.
See Interview with Curator Lisa D'amico here.
My art, just as my view of the world, comes from within. Images form as I process day-to-day experiences and the world around me. Sometimes they form as I sleep, or during that in-between state before waking, or as I listen to music or dance. Occasionally, when least expected, walking down the street, hiking in the woods, or in conversation with a friend, I’m hit by a vision I am compelled to capture.
I am sure that my growing up in multiple cultures, experiencing different sights, sounds and smells, influence my work more than I realize. Undeniably, my love of fairy tales, fiction, fantasy, and sci-fi permeates my work.
I’ve always loved art, but work, children, life, just didn’t provide the space and time to pursue my passion. Until now.
I am grateful for the opportunity, if brief, to study art in Strasbourg, France as a young adult. Now I study under Eleanor Grace Miller. And I am a proud member of the National Association of Women Artists (NAWA).
"Under the Sea" is an evolving story that started as a doodle, that morphed into a four-panel story, with more to come.
"Tootling along with my pet tentacled creatures, we got thirsty after playing ring-around-the-spools, toss a-ring-ding, and swishing darts, so we floated over to the watering drinkery. And who happens to be floating by, but none other than Assana, she of the waterfall. She seems distracted, rapidly moving my way. I wonder what has her spooked?" Go to "Under the Sea" to check it out!
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